Why I drove 25+ miles for this ONE drink...

So how did I come to drive over 25 miles for just a drink not just once…but TWICE!!!!!?! For starters, I couldn’t figure out where else to get it, as for the other reason… it was that good. If you know anything about me, you’ll know I live in North County San Diego. Im from here, as in born and raised. I’m used to driving, like driving A LOT, like driving to every single destination. the constant traffic. the bad drivers. the perpetual decision to take the backroads or the freeway. So the drive from San Marcos to Smoothie Riders, that new smoothie shop in Liberty Station, didn’t seem “that bad”. I digress…before I get anymore off track, let’s go back to before I made the first drive. before I was compelled to drive miles for kombucha... Okay, I’ve wasted enough time hahha… here we go.

It was a week where I had to work every single day. I was expected to work twelve to fourteen hours a day, seven days a week without loosing my mind. I mean, I was able to pretty much do whatever I wanted. For the most part that is… did I mention I had a sassy three year old in toe every second of those twelve to fourteen hours? I played “parent” 24/7, for a week out of each month. It was exhausting. Also rewarding, but exhausting AF. Anyways, I am a huge fan of the Children’s Museum in downtown San Diego (and the one in Escondido)..so, if you’re a parent, auntie or uncle, caregiver, whatever, and haven’t been here, take the kiddos you know! they will 9/10 times love it. soooo, you’re welcome. Okay back to the point of the post…again…

I was going Downton to the museum when the little one asked for a smoothie. I googled a place to go, we were close by to one, Wooooh!! So, we walk through Liberty Public Market, to the smoothie place and bammmm, theres it was, CBD KOMBUCHA. There were two choices. RESTORE. Containing turmeric, black pepper, ginger and lemon and UPLIFT. Containing hibiscus, juniper berry and ginger. I needed some serious uplifting if I was going to make it through the week... It was only Tuesday. Anyways, I ordered, put the "UPLIFT" bottle in my purse and didn’t take it out again until I was sitting in the sandbox at the museum.

I was a few months deep into “seeing how it was” off my anxiety medication and to say I was stressed and exhausted is an understatement. So there I was, in the sandbox. I open the drink, the ripe smell of vinegar pours out and permeates the room. Both children and adults stare, but I can not be bothered. This is MY TIME, FOR ME. GET OFF MY BACK.

So I open the drink, take a sip, and it is sooooo good. I nearly drink the entire bottle in twenty minutes. And thats quick for me. I’m a sipper. I sip things. Especially things that taste and smell like vinegar. Twenty or thirty minutes later, I am grounded. Calm. Clear Minded. I am uplifted… ? Was it really the drink ? No way. It couldn’t be. It is good, but that's just too good to be true. I drive home. Blame it on exhaustion. I go to bed. And I don’t forget. My mind goes back to that stupid drink over and over again. I was calm. I feel good. What the heck?!!? I needed to know. Which brings us to my first drive.

I don’t know WHY I only grabbed one bottle when I went the second time. This time I got FLOURISH, the one with Black Currant. It was again, AMAZING. I went to work. and again, I was grounded and calm, when just minutes before I was stressed out, and anxious. That’s about the time I started kicking myself in the butt for not getting more bottles… I was far enough away to rationalize not turning around… my consequence. I had to wait  to get more of this magical M Kombucha.

While I was waiting, I did some research on the two factors that make up this drink: CBD and Kombucha. I wanted some answers to my questions... and if it really was responsible for calming down my nerves, alongside other affects that continued the more I drank. Here's the DL on CBD and Kombucha. Why is it good? Why should you care? Read on and find out...

What is CBD?

CBD is not weed. CBD stands for cannabidiol. It is the second most prevalent compound out of of 104 chemical compounds that make up marijuana. Although CBD is a main active ingredient in medical marijuana (THC), it does not have the same affect has THC does. On its own, CBD is non-hallucinogenic  and does not create the feeling of “being high”.  CBD on its own is used widely for a variety of ailments ranging from both physical and mental ailments.

In short: It’s not weed, but it works just as well!! (for most users).

Benefits of CBD

Although CBD has been used to heal for thousands of years, it has only been over the past decade, that the medicinal benefits of CBD has become increasingly popular in the western health and wellness world. There are many studies being conducted on the various benefits and side effects of using CBD, and most of the results are very promising, offering more pros than cons.

In short…this stuff works! now we are just trying to prove it in the western world of medicine..

I have done a good amount of research on the topic and have collected the most common benefits throughout everything I have read. Pease do not consider this as a medical reference or guide, rather a starting place to learn more about the benefits of CBD. Here’s what I learned...

Some physical and mental benefits are:

  1. Relieving Pain  - Chronic and Minor
  2. Relieving Anxiety, Stress and/ or Depression
  3. Assists in treating sleeping disorders; such as insomnia or sleep apnea.
  4. Protects skin and keeps it healthy
  5. Is commonly used to help children who suffer from epilepsy and seizures
  6.  Cancer patients commonly use this for a variety of reasons.

What is Kombucha ?

If you like tea and vinegar, this may be the drink for you; hahaha. I’ll be honest, this ancient drink does not smell good and is has a very particular taste, but I LOVE IT! To keep it simple, this drink is  made from bacteria, yeast, black or green tea and sugar. and is fermented to make kombucha! Thanks to that fermentation process, kombucha is packed with probiotics as well as B vitamins, enzymes, and organic acids.

Benefits of Kombucha

I have done a good amount of research on the topic and have collected the most common benefits fo kombucha throughout everything I have read. There are not a lot of hard facts, definitely some, but most the common research offer studies, theories and opinions. Pease do not consider this as a medical reference or guide, rather a starting place to learn more about the benefits of this fermented tea.

Here is what I learned about kombucha

  1. Contains antioxidants &  ridding the body of toxins
  2. Helps Boosting Immune system
  3. Aid with high blood pressure and heart disease
  4. Support the digestive system and Gut health
  5. Can help alleviate depression

Welcome back! So if you read through all of that... I hope you learned as much as I did. Unless you knew all of that already, or skimmed down and here you are, thanks for humoring me...anyways. I love this M Kombucha drink, but obviously I needed to figure out a way to get it more efficiently. I had no clue where else to get it, and every person I asked, had no clue what I was talking about. Then one day I was having lunch at one of my favorite, local cafes in Encinitas. I was looking around, as I always do and I saw someone holding a few of the kombuchas in their hands. I could not believe it. SOMEONE ELSE KNEW ABOUT THEM!!! My level of excitement was a bit embarrassing, but whatever, I was stoked. Being the person I am, I walked up to her and immediately said, "oh my god I love that brand! Where did you get it?!" Little did I know, I was talking to the owner.I was so excited! I couldn't believe I has just walked up to the creator herself! I started totally "fangirling" over her and her kombucha. For those of you who don't know what fangirling is- it is when you get super excited, like I am her #1 fan. Moving on, I can not believe the next thing I did. Probably because it is a bold, confident move, and I still have a hard time viewing myself as the bold, confident woman I am. After we exchanged niceties, I shamelessly pitched myself as a social media marketer, content creator and blogger. I told her all about my brand, my vision and what I aimed to do with my social "influence".  She was excited, as was I.  I gave her my card and that was about that. We parted ways and I figured that was it. A few months went by and I received a message from the lady I had met in the cafe, the owner. She reached out and asked me if i'd like to meet up for coffee. ME! uhhh, heck yess I would!! We ended up connecting  later that week and I was getting to know all about the brand! It's moments like these I am so thankful I have decided to take the "risky leap" into the unknown "success" being a creative/entrepreneur. I talked to her about various marketing strategies and how to help get the word out about her AMAZING company!! Here's a little #BTS most people aren't going to share with you.. the deal, however, I think transparency is essential, especially if we are going to trust each other.... right? So we talked about "influencer marketing" and various online marketing strategies one could decide to act on based on the desired outcome... I am getting my favorite drink in exchange for content creation and some social media marketing t help get the word out about this amazing company I love so much!!! So why do you care about this? Well if you care about being an entrepreneur, you'll want to read THIS: Do not be afraid to put yourself out there. Tell people what you are capable of. Let them feel your passion and drive fo what you do. Do not be embarrassed. Own it. Impress with your finesse. We all know you got it... somewhere in there... I would have never been able to work with this brand had I not put myself out there. Just do it.. What's the worst that can happen? Why else should you care about this story/ article? Because if you experience or know someone who experiences any disorder or ailment that could be relieved by CBD or Kombucha, maybe forwarding this article to them, is just the answer they have been looking for. You neverrrr know...If you have been looking for a CBD Kombucha, well you have come to the right place! I have created a MASTER LIST of where you can purchase this Kombucha and try it for yourself!! I mean... it's pretty good. Anyways, thanks for reading along as I grow through this thing called life. Let me know if you end up trying it out!!San Diego Locations 

Nectarine Grove // @nectarinegrove
Healthy Creations //  @healthycreationscafe
Seaside Market //  @seasidemarket
GOODONYA // @goodonyaorganic
Cream of the Crop // @creamofthecropnatural
Frazier Farms - Oceanside // @frazierfarmsmarket
Mission Square Market//  @missionsquaremarketdeli
Lifely // @lifelywellness
Smoothie Rider //  @smoothierider