A few tips for traveling in Peru 


1. Embrace the bizarre!!!: try those weird foods like alpaca, Guinea pig and bull testicles.2. Try and participate in a homestay or some sort of non profit organization. Giving back always feels nice and gives you a good look into the reality of these people's lives.3. Hike the inca trail. (If you can). I can't stress how much this made my trip. It made Machu Picchu much more special (I believe more than those who took an hour train to see it).4. Understand that you are in a different country. You may not get what you thought you ordered. It may take 3 hours for your food (so never go to a restaurant starving or you will be pissed). But they do not have malicious intent, it is a cultural difference and part of travel is rolling with the punches.5. Experience the night life (even if it is just for a couple hours). Clubbing isn't my thing, but seeing how others party is quite a show. Hahah.6. Wear sunscreen!! (The equator is close!!!!)7. Keep your mind, heart and eyes open. If you don't you'll miss out on a lifetime of experiences.8. Don't stand in front of alpacas...they spit. (And don't pick up the black beans!!! (; ).9. Avoid overnight busses if you can, you will be a much happier and rested person.10. Buy the coca leaves, candy and/or tea. They help tremendously!!11. Pariwanna hostel is the way to go!!12. Have fun!!