Turning Blessings into Basics: The Idea Behind my Wildflower Tour Concept.
I’m really excited to write this blog because it’s all about my little brainchild. Haha. It’s taken A LOT of time experimenting with various ideas, products, online course and freelancing to finally be rewarded with that “AH-HA” moment. And to be honest, it was probably with me the whole time, I just had to do some soul searching. Anyways, I’m simultaneously writing a post about the “infant stages” of my entrepreneurial journey (go figure, I’m always doing all the things hahah) sooo I’m strictly keeping this post to WHY I started the Wildflower Tours and WHERE I hope it travels to!!So after coming back from months abroad, it was only natural for me to scour every resource available to figure out how to make travel incorporated into my life. For everrrrrr.Like I said, I tried MANY things. And nothing fulfilled EXACTLY what I was looking to do. I knew I needed to create it. It sounds cliche, but, I went to yoga one evening and before we practiced, my teacher asked us about our blessings and to imagine if we could share those blessings with everyone. THAT. WAS. IT.HOW CAN I TURN THESE BLESSINGS INTO BASICS FOR EVERYONE ?!Being able to travel, experience new things, immerse In various cultures, && make new and lasting connections are blessings not everyone can partake in. I WANTED TO CHANGE THAT. But how could I?After asking a few friends what made traveling tough to incorporate 99.9% said finding the time to plan the excursion and the expenses it took to take the trip itself. Others added they had no one to go with.With that knowledge, and the personal passion to travel, plan trips and excursions, make new friends, empower women to travel && I mean I can go on and on, but long story short... That is why I began Wildflower Tours. A women based travel company, that encourages new experiences and connections.I had no clue where to start but I knew where I wanted it to go.When I think about where I want Wildflower Tours to be in FIVE YEARS, I want it to be nationally known, well rated and recommended, revealing to not only North America, BUT OVERSEAS as well!! In short, taking Wildflower Tours internationally is where I see this going.But I can’t just start there. So baby steps. I had a soft launch at Gather Encinitas, which was AMAZING ! It gave me all the courage and love I needed to confidently go out in the open and share my idea LOUD & PROUD. From that soft launch, the fire was sparked and the passion was OUT OF CONTROL. I have now organized my first trip to Palm Springs, CA, where six ladies will have the time of their life!!I literally cried happy tears when everything fell into place! Watching your dreams into reality is something I have yet to find words for, but the feeling is incredible. And to think, this is only the beginning.All I can say, is thank you thank you thank you for everyone who has supported me along the way. From when this was a random idea I kept bringing up to an actual Instagram handle & now Company. I love you and wouldn’t be here with you all!Much love Sunshine SquadddC